
Bnei Akiva South Africa is a nationwide organization based in 3 of the nations metropolitan.


We aim to maintain the Kesher with our Chanichim and Madrichim all year round.  We facilitate consistent meetups through davening, shiurim, school visits and shichva/hanhallah activities. Strict Covid protocols and safety measures are put in place and followed at each and every gathering.

Daily Mincha-Maariv takes place at the Mizrachi shul on the Yeshiva College campus with learning in between.%

Every Thursday night there is an engaging and social Maddie’s shiur given by our Bnei Rabbi with a catered supper for all.

Additionally, we have Bnei shul on a Shabbat morning at the Glenhazel Bnei Bayit including Shacharit and Mussaf followed by a brocha. Shacharit starts at 9am. If anyone would like to sponsor the brocha in honour of their birthday or a special occasion please contact Rosh Glenhazel by emailing Glenhazel@bnei.co.za.

The Shabbat fun continues with afternoon Gurim activities (grades 3-6) on the Yeshiva College campus.

Every Sunday morning we have Vaab, whereby we have our own 8am Shacharit minyan followed by breakfast at the Bayit. EQT (Extreme Quality Torah) also takes place at the Bayit on a Sunday afternoon, with Mincha-Maariv and learning facilitated by one of our brilliant Madrichim. Mincha starts at 5:15pm, Learning at approximately 5:30pm and Maariv at 6pm.

We would love you to join! For more info about Bnei Joburg please email Rosh Joburg: JHBChair@bnei.co.za or the Johannebsurg Office: office@bnei.co.za.

Cape Town

We have a dedicated team of passionate Madrichim, including our two incredible Israeli Shlichim.

For information on our local leadership, take a look at the team page.

We have Channichim all over the city – from Sea Point to Highlands, to the northern suburbs and the southern suburbs. Our Bayit in Sea Point is the home of the Shlichot and a regular meeting place for Madrichim and Channichim alike. We have close bonds with various Shuls around Cape Town, and Morasha especially has been the “home” of Bnei Akiva CT for numerous years.

We coordinate all different activities for all of our age groups, including weekly Shabbat Snif meetings in Sea Point for Grades 3-6, Shabbat meals, Shabbatonim and other activities across all age groups, and learning and other activities for our Madrichim.

To find out how you can get involved with Bnei Akiva CT, contact any Madrich or e-mail the Cape Town Office: CapeTown@bnei.co.za or Rosh Cape Town: CTChair@bnei.co.za.

P.S: Remember to check out and Like our Facebook page using the button below so you can stay up to date with our activities

Small Communities

Bnei Akiva South Africa prides itself in reaching young Jews near and far, so that we can broaden their understanding of their Jewish Identity, Israel and Zionism as well as give them a national and wider global community to be a part of as the Youth.

This is why Bnei Akiva sends Madrichim to Durban, Port Elizebeth and East London. These smaller Jewish communities deserve to feel the warmth, vibrancy and energy of Bnei Akiva.

Please contact our national office on info@bnei.co.za  or 011 485 1695 for more information about small communitites.

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